Medical Emergency Alert Service
Combo Offer
- Weekly visit to Member's home
- Help out with regular day-to-day, out-of-home work to function independently in society.
One of the biggest worries for the elders as well as their immediate relatives is the unpredictability of a medical emergency situation. Most of the times, the fear of such an eventuality, and not necessarily an actual situation, inhibits the elderly from leading a normal life. We offer a smart and lightweight wristband, which connects with our National Alarm Centre (NAC) when the emergency alarm button is activated, either at home or outside.
In case of a medical emergency, the NAC immediately and simultaneously contacts a reputed and enlisted ambulance service provider for immediate transportation to the hospital and our Member Care Associates (who are primarily ex-servicemen) to accompany the member to one of the preferred, pre-defined hospitals. We also arrange for emergency medical intervention at the hospital. The NAC also informs the care sponsor or any pre-decided relative/friend at the earliest. To avail of this service, a security deposit will have to be maintained with us for the device and an advance deposit (refundable if not used) to be utilised in emergency situations.
MEAS provides:
- One Switch Alert
- Connected to our National Alarm Centre
- Can opt for preferred hospital
- Location Identifier and Tracker
- Remotely monitoring pre-defined virtual boundaries through GPS
- Task Reminder
Assistance For Independent Living
This offering caters to an essential aspect of geriatric care. Our staff, who are primarily ex-servicemen, visit the member once a week at a pre-defined time to help with the following:
- Attendant to visit post office, bank, yoga centres, etc.
- Attendant to salon, spa, parlours
- Attendant to diagnostics or doctor's chamber
- Assistance in utility bill payment/utility booking;
- Assistance in personal errands: exchanging library books, CDs, journals; laundry service; repairing electronics, procuring and reading newspapers and magazines, etc.; mobile book and movie library
- Arranging for assistance in general housekeeping and household repairs;
The Member can avail of scheduled services like above, as well as connect with us for additional service on a need basis. The delivery of the latter will be on a first-come-first-served basis. We have implemented adequate control measures to ensure delivery as well as quality of service.